Let's talk

Schoology - Inbound



Lead Conversion

Lead Qualification

Owned Media

Sales Automation


Schoology is an e-learning platform that seeks to optimize the processes of all areas of schools. Our challenge was to profile and nurture with valuable content the different leads that came through digital actions, and in this way, reach the decision makers so that the commercial team could take care of the commercial management and close the sales.


We designed and implemented an Inbound strategy that consisted of generating leads through digital advertising in different channels. Once these leads reached the landing page, a communication flow was activated so that they could visit the blog and access the interchangeables that contained valuable information about the platform, benefits, differentials, success stories and some interactive demos. All this, in exchange for information about the profile, consumption habits and needs related to the role within the organization.

In this way, we profiled them to send them information of interest through email marketing, seeking to reach the defined lead scored (SQL) score that would allow the sales team to approach them in order to close the deal.


impacted people


Blog visits

+ than 130

SQL (sales qualified leads)