The power of influencers in the world of marketing
There is something that sometimes we forget, the teams that work in the marketing sector, and that is that all the strategies, all the guidelines, all the publicity and communication that is generated from the brands, is directed towards people. Marketing is social and, above all, digital marketing is aimed at generating connections from person to person, either towards the values of a brand, towards the knowledge of a trend or simply to promote an idea or a product.
Based on this, it is when we begin to propose the term ‘influencers’, which in marketing, are active users who, because they have a high level of interaction and reach with a certain audience, support brands to promote their products or services. But the reality is that every action we take, the way we communicate, what we say, even how we dress, is unknowingly impacting other people, and that is the basis of influence, it crosses any digital limit and any channel, generating a 100% social impact.
We have always had the idea that the influencer is the one who is followed by the general public, but this is not entirely true, in reality it is the one who has a high impact on a certain group of people, regardless if this is a very large or very small group. The effective influencer or brand ambassador is the one who, regardless of the size of his target group, can plant an idea about them and, as we said before, this does not infer in the communication channel, there are influencers who do not even require digital media to generate an impact, for example when we talk about teachers, the leader of your team, even the taxi driver who takes you home… The influencer bases his power on the way he communicates and not on the social network.
But then, if influence is a 100% social action, how can it impact the future of marketing?
The world is constantly changing and new media, new ways of communicating, new technologies are continually emerging and this will continue to be the case in the future. Although we consider that everything has already been invented, every day, new ideas will modify and innovate our ways of life.
And this is when influence takes on great value, because regardless of the communication channel we have with our clients in the near or distant future, the impact will not be measured by the medium but by the power of the message, by the way in which the brands are linked to trends and user needs, so that the impact generated on the target audience is much greater.
The influence of a brand must be worked on in all phases of the ‘customer journey’ (customer journey during the purchase process) and in different media because in this way its message can be transferred from channel to channel, and the essence, the values , the philosophy of the company or whatever you want to communicate through the influencer, it will be a message that lasts in the long term.
So today the invitation is to generate a brand message that crosses digital borders, that connects with the public in a close way and that communicates the values and philosophy so that the public also feels empathy towards your products and services, and for this we consider the strategies of social influence.